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At Gentis, we recognize the inherent challenges and time investment involved in finding the perfect opportunity, job or project. That's precisely why we adopt a personalized approach in collaborating with candidates and contractors, offering comprehensive guidance, unwavering support, and a multitude of opportunities to help you actualize your career aspirations.

With our team's profound expertise in the IT, finance, technical sales & digital marketing, engineering, life science, and construction industries, we have established strong partnerships with leading organizations across these sectors. Through these collaborations, we diligently identify and present compelling job opportunities and captivating project-based work that align with your professional ambitions.

Our systematic process ensures that the recruitment and contracting process is optimized for efficiency and effectiveness, enabling us to connect you with the most suitable job opportunities based on your skills and experience. Whether you are looking for a permanent position, a freelance opportunity or a short-term contract, our dedicated team is here to guide you throughout the entire journey. Your success is our priority, and we are dedicated to being your trusted partner every step of the way.

Your dream job is only one step away

Send us your CV directly and we will put you in touch with one of our specialised recruiters who will guide you in the search of your dream job!

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Latest articles

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15 May 2024

Recruiting without a CV: The new standard?

The CV may be losing its pride of place as an essential part of any application.

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15 May 2024

From 20k to 150k: what is the cost of bad hiring?

From €20,000 to €150,000: this is the cost of bad hiring according to studies carried out on this subject.

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15 May 2024

9 tips to create a job interview evaluation matrix

The evaluation matrix, also called an interview table, is a recruitment aid tool. It is used during job interviews to assess a candidate's suitability for the position and the company, ensuring that the recruitment process is as objective as possible.

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26 Sep 2023

Inbound recruiting: how to use it as an effective weapon to attract talent?

Inbound recruiting is a technique modeled on inbound marketing. Just as inbound marketing aims to attract customers, inbound recruiting aims to attract candidates through the creation of content. To do this, the company addresses talent directly via videos, articles, posts on social networks or newsletters.

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26 Sep 2023

Inflation: how to attract talent without an attractive salary?

In July 2022, inflation reached a record 6.1% in just one year (source: Insee). The cost of raw materials and basic necessities has risen significantly. The cost of gas is a case in point: a 42.4% increase! As a result, employees' purchasing power is in complete freefall.

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26 Sep 2023

Onboarding: 7 best practices for integrating new recruits

Did you know that failed onboarding costs an average of €7,000 (Workelo study)? While this figure speaks for itself, the consequences go far beyond the financial. With 45% of resignations taking place in the first year, it's the company's brand image, its level of attractiveness, its retention rate and its performance that are threatened by poor onboarding.

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26 Sep 2023

7 tips for a successful job offer

On the job market, there are two categories of offer: generic and personalised. The former never attract qualified candidates, while the latter do. When you think about it, this is not surprising. How can you ask talented people to be original in their applications when the company itself makes no effort to make its job offer stand out from the rest?

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26 Sep 2023

5 solutions to find out what your employees (really) want

What do employees want? The web is full of articles dissecting employee expectations at length. While they convey a realistic vision that deserves our attention, the only way to understand what YOUR employees really want is to take an interest in them.

5 min read
26 Sep 2023

5 cognitive biases that influence your recruitment (and how to overcome them)

Recruitment is an ideal breeding ground for cognitive bias. Because humans are at the heart of the discipline, it's easy to let ourselves be influenced by our beliefs, preferences and intuition. But if we take too many shortcuts, we can end up making the wrong recruitment choice and eliminating the right candidate.

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