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From first contact to contract

At Gentis, we recognize the inherent challenges and time investment involved in finding the perfect opportunity, job or project. That's precisely why we adopt a personalized approach in collaborating with candidates and contractors, offering comprehensive guidance, unwavering support, and a multitude of opportunities to help you actualize your career aspirations.

With our team's profound expertise in the IT, finance, technical sales & digital marketing, engineering, life science, and construction industries, we have established strong partnerships with leading organizations across these sectors. Through these collaborations, we diligently identify and present compelling job opportunities and captivating project-based work that align with your professional ambitions.

Our systematic process ensures that the recruitment and contracting process is optimized for efficiency and effectiveness, enabling us to connect you with the most suitable job opportunities based on your skills and experience. Whether you are looking for a permanent position, a freelance opportunity or a short-term contract, our dedicated team is here to guide you throughout the entire journey. Your success is our priority, and we are dedicated to being your trusted partner every step of the way.

Your dream job is only one step away

Send us your CV directly and we will put you in touch with one of our specialised recruiters who will guide you in the search of your dream job!

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Latest articles

10 min read
25 Nov 2024

The candidate Feedback Interview: a step that is underestimated in the recruitment process

A well-crafted candidate experience is essential for any company that wants to stand out from the competition. While writing a personalised job offer and optimising the recruitment time are increasingly common, the candidate feedback interview restitution remains marginal.

15 min read
25 Nov 2024

The candidate experience: where do you start when you start from scratch?

82% of job applicants have already had a poor candidate experience (2024 barometer). These days, you can no longer ignore the fact that talent care about the experience offered by organisations and they are demanding.

10 min read
25 Nov 2024

The steps to creating a candidate persona

There is a well-known saying in the marketing world, “When you speak to everyone, you speak to no-one.” The same applies to recruitment. To attract qualified candidates and recruit the right person, we strongly recommend creating a candidate persona.

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12 Aug 2024

Recruitment: how do you showcase your hobbies?

Our hobbies are catalysts for promoting our skills, just like our professional experience. Mentioning them in your CV or cover letter can increase your chances of being invited for a job interview.

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09 Aug 2024

CV: 10 mistakes to avoid

Recruiters receive hundreds of applications for each job vacancy posted, which means they spend less than a minute looking at a CV.

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09 Aug 2024

Candidates: 13 questions to ask your recruiter at a job interview

The job interview stage enables the recruiter to assess the quality of the application and the likelihood of the candidate’s success once in post. However, it is not a one-way street. The recruitment interview is also an opportunity for the candidate to check that the job, the working conditions and the company match his or her expectations.

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24 Jul 2024

The most sought-after soft skills with recruiters in finance

In finance careers, recruitment is mainly based on candidates’ hard skills and professional experience. Having said that, soft skills should not be neglected.

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15 May 2024

Recruiting without a CV: The new standard?

The CV may be losing its pride of place as an essential part of any application.

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15 May 2024

From 20k to 150k: what is the cost of bad hiring?

From €20,000 to €150,000: this is the cost of bad hiring according to studies carried out on this subject.


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