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15 min read
17 Jun 2024

Mental health of freelancers: advice and resources

Becoming a freelancer is challenging. Being excellent at what you do is a prerequisite, but it is not enough. Simply being good at your job is not enough; you also have to manage every other aspect of the business, most of the time on your own.

8 min read
15 May 2024

5 little-known quality of work life advantages for employers

When we talk about QWL (quality of work life), the advantages for employees are obvious. But they’re not the only ones benefiting. A quality of work life approach offers a number of benefits that employers often do not even suspect. What are they? Allow us to explain.

Work Life
4 min read
27 Sep 2023

11 inspiring ideas to improve your employees' work/life balance

The latest JLL barometer on employees' new work preferences is very clear: employees' priority is to have a better work/life balance. A trend confirmed by the survey carried out by the Institut Jean Jaurès in July 2022, which reveals that employees' relationship with work has changed. In 1990, 60% of employees considered their job to be "very important", whereas today only 24% do so.

4 min read
27 Sep 2023

End-of-year interviews: how to prepare?

The end of the year is approaching and you have the ambivalent impression that it was as short as it was long? We admit it, it's the same for us. Now that the cards have been dealt, it's time to launch your annual performance review campaign and take a close look at what's been achieved.

4 min read
27 Sep 2023

Salary transparency in the workplace: 4 steps to a successful implementation

With the #BalanceTonSalaire movement that developed at the end of 2022 on social networks, the debate on salary transparency has returned to the forefront. Convinced by its benefits, more and more companies are choosing to take the bull by the horns and take action.

4 min read
27 Sep 2023

Boomerang employees: leaving to find each other again

Goodbyes" don't always sound like farewells. A few months after resigning, some ex-employees return to the company. A phenomenon which, far from being the prerogative of a few indecisive employees, has a number of advantages for both parties, and strengthens their collaboration. What are they? Let's find out.

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